


Lab on a Chip (IF 7.517)Analytical Chemistry (IF 8.008)Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (IF 9.221)Science Bulletin (IF 20.557)等知名期刊发表SCI论文100篇(JCR Q1/Q283, IF>540篇)包括封面论文和研究亮点论文16,英国物理学会Top Cited Paper Award论文1篇,英国皇家化学学会专题报道论文3篇,南京市自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖获奖论文1篇;发表于Nanotechnology的封面论文被英国物理学会做长达三页纸的大篇幅专题报道。研究工作被他引1600余次,其中被来自哈佛大学、麻省理工学院、加州大学洛杉矶分校等高校的知名学者作为重要研究进展进行图片引用80余次。受邀为斯普林格出版的英文专业书籍《Handbook of Single Cell Technologies》撰写“惯性微流控单细胞分析技术”章节。受邀在微流控权威期刊Lab on a Chip撰写发表惯性微流控领域的唯一一篇前瞻性展望综述“Inertialmicrofluidics: current status, challenges, and future opportunities,并入选Lab on a Chip的热点论文。


系列研究成果共计申请发明专利72项,其中已授权47项,申请PCT国际专利4项。受邀担任国际微流体学术会议及ASME会议的分会场主席或子专题组织者,担任JoVEBiosensorsNanomaterialsFrontiers in Medical Technology等期刊的客座编辑,担任70余个国际学术期刊的审稿人,获江苏省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师,入选Outstanding reviewer for Lab on a Chip国际期刊ELECTROPHORESIS (JCR 2)Biosensors (JCR 1)In Vitro Diagnosis编委。













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2023年,国际期刊Biosensors (JCR 1)编委;

2023年,英国皇家化学学会Outstanding reviewer for Lab on a Chip 2022;





2022年,发表于Lab on a Chip的惯性微流控首篇前瞻性展望论文入选HotArticle

2022年,Lab on a Chip封面研究被英国皇家化学学会官方微信公众号报道

2022年,国际期刊In Vitro Diagnosis编委


2021年,Journal of Visualized Experiments期刊Methods Collections“Microfluidic cell manipulation的客座编辑

2020年,英国皇家化学学会Outstanding reviewer for Lab on a Chip

2020年,英国物理学会IOP Publishing Top Cited Paper Award



2018年,International Conference of Microfluidics, Nanofluidics and Lab-on-a-Chip分会场主席

2019年,The 6th ASME Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer International Conference子专题组织者及分会场主席

2017年,Nanotechnology 封面研究被英国物理学会专题报道

2017年,电阻抗细胞检测研究当选Analytical Chemistry的亮点工作,在其官网首页展示;








Lab on a Chip (IF 7.517)Analytical Chemistry (IF 8.008)Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (IF 9.221)Science Bulletin (IF 20.557)等知名期刊发表SCI论文100篇(JCR Q1/Q283, IF>540篇),包括封面和研究亮点论文16篇,获奖论文2篇,图书章节1部。节选代表性论著如下:


[78] Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni. Microfluidics for Biomedical Applications, Biosensors, 2022, 13: 161 (SCI,IF=5.743)

[77] Nan Xiang, Zhonghua Ni. Inertial Microfluidics for Single-Cell Manipulation andAnalysis. In: Santra T., Tseng FG. (eds) Handbook of Single Cell Technologies.Springer, Singapore (参编图书章节)

[76] Shu Zhu, Yaohui Fang, Kefan Guo, Zhonghua NI, Nan Xiang*. Next-generation Liquid Biopsy Instruments: Challenges and Opportunities,  Electrophoresis, 2023, DOI: 10.1002/elps.202200169 (SCI, IF=3.595)

[75] Hang Yang, Lin Jiang, Kefan Guo, Nan Xiang*. Static droplet array for the synthesis of nonspherical microparticles,  Electrophoresis, 2023, 44: 563–572 (SCI,IF=3.595)

[74] Lin Jiang, Hang Yang, Weiqi Cheng, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. Droplet microfluidics for CTC-based liquid biopsy: a review, Analyst, 2023, 148, 203 (SCI, IF=5.227, 正封面论文)

[73] Yao Chen, Kefan Guo, Lin Jiang, Shu Zhu, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. Microfluidic deformability cytometry: A review, Talanta, 2023, 251:123815 (SCI, IF=6.556)

[72] Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni. Inertial microfluidics: current status, challenges,and future opportunities, Lab on a Chip, 2022, 22, 4792-4804 (SCI, IF=7.517入选Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2022)

[71] Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni. Portable Battery-Driven Microfluidic Cell Separation Instrument with Multiple Operational Modes, Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 94: 16813–16820 (SCI, IF=8.008)

[70]Chen Ni, Zheng Zhou, Zhixian Zhu, Di Jiang, Nan Xiang*. Controllable Size-IndependentThree-Dimensional Inertial Focusing in High-Aspect-Ratio Asymmetric SerpentineMicrochannels, Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 94(45):15639–15647 (SCI, IF=8.008)

[69] Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni. High-throughput concentration of rare malignanttumor cells from large-volume effusions by multistage inertialmicrofluidics, Lab on a Chip,2022, 22(4):757-767 (SCI, IF=7.517)

[68] Yaohui Fang, Shu Zhu, Weiqi Cheng, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. Efficient bioparticle extractionusing miniaturized inertial microfluidic centrifuge, Lab on a Chip,2022, 22, 3545-3554 (SCI, IF=7.517)

[67] Kefan Guo, Yao Chen, Zheng Zhou, Shu Zhu, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. Anovel 3D Tesla valve micromixer for efficient mixing and chitosan nanoparticleproduction, Electrophoresis, 2022, 43:2184–2194. (SCI, IF=3.595)

[66] Dezhi Tang, Lin Jiang, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. Discrimination oftumor cell type based on cytometric detection of dielectric properties, Talanta,2022, 246:123524 (SCI, IF=6.556)

[65] Zhixian Zhu, Shuang Li, Dan Wu, Hui Ren, Chen Ni, Cailian Wang*, Nan Xiang*and Zhonghua Ni. High-throughput and label-free enrichment of malignanttumor cells and clusters from pleural and peritoneal effusions using inertialmicrofluidics, Lab on a Chip, 2022, 22: 2097-2106 (SCI,IF=7.517正封面论文)

[64] Yao Chen, Zheng Zhou, ShuZhu, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. Label-freeMicrofluidics for Single-Cell Analysis, Microchemical Journal,2022, 177: 107284 (SCI, IF=5.304)

[63] Dezhi Tang, Lin Jiang, WenlaiTang*, Nan Xiang*, ZhonghuaNi*. Cost-effective portable microfluidic impedance cytometer forbroadband impedance cell analysis based on viscoelastic focusing, Talanta,2022, 242(6):123274 (SCI, IF=6.556)

[62] Fengtao Jiang, Nan Xiang*. Integrated Microfluidic Handheld CellSorter for High-Throughput Label-Free Malignant Tumor Cell Sorting, Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 94(3): 1859–1866 (SCI, IF=8.008)

[61] Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni. Hand-Powered Inertial Microfluidic Syringe-TipCentrifuge, Biosensors, 2022, 12(1): 14 (SCI,IF=5.743)

[60]Shu Zhu, Yaohui Fang, Yao Chen, Peiwen Yu, Yu Han, Nan Xiang*,Zhonghua Ni*. Stackable Micromixer with Modular Design for Efficient Mixingover Wide Reynold Numbers, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 183:122129 (SCI, IF=5.431)

[59] Cailian Wang*, Yan Chen, Xuyu Gu, Xiuxiu Zhang, Chanchan Gao, Lijun Dong, Shiya Zheng,Shicheng Feng, Nan Xiang*. Low-cost polymer-film spiralinertial microfluidic device for label-free separation of malignant tumorcells, Electrophoresis, 2022, 43: 464–471 (SCI,IF=3.595)

[58] Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. Electricity-free hand-held inertial microfluidicsorter for size-based cell sorting, Talanta, 2021, 235:122807 (SCI, IF=6.556)

[57] Fengtao Jiang, Nan Xiang*. Series and parallel integration of flowregulators for precise and multiple-output fluid deliverySensors and Actuators: A.Physical, 2021, 332:113160 (SCI, IF=4.291)

[56] Zheng Zhou, Yao Chen, Shu Zhu, Linbo Liu, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*. Inertialmicrofluidics for high-throughput cell analysis and detection: areview, Analyst, 2021, 146: 6064–6083 (SCI, IF=5.227)

[55] NanXiang*, Silin Wang, Zhonghua Ni*. Secondary-flow-aided single-trainelastic-inertial focusing in low elasticity viscoelastic fluids, Electrophoresis,2021, 42: 2256–2263 (SCI, IF=3.595)

[54]Shu Zhu, Xiaozhe Zhang, Mu Chen, Dezhi Tang, Yu Han, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. An easy-fabricated and disposable polymer-film microfluidicimpedance cytometer for cell sensing, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2021,1175: 338759 (SCI, IF=6.911)

[53]张孝哲,项楠*,倪中华.单细胞机械性能检测方法与应用研究进展, 生物物理和生物化学进展, 2021, 49(2):303~317 (中文综述SCI)

[52]Shu Zhu, Xiaozhe Zhang, Zheng Zhou, Yu Han, Nan Xiang*, ZhonghuaNi*. Microfluidic impedance cytometry for single-cell sensing: review onelectrode configurations, Talanta, 2021, 233: 122571 (SCI, IF=6.556)

[51]Zhixian Zhu, Dan Wu, Shuang Li, Yu Han, Nan Xiang*, Cailian Wang,Zhonghua Ni*. A polymer-film inertial microfluidic sorter fabricated by jigsawpuzzle method for precise size-based cell separation, AnalyticaChimica Acta, 2021, 1143:306-314 (SCI, IF=6.911)

[50]Dezhi Tang, Mu Chen, Yu Han*, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. Asymmetricserpentine microchannel based impedance cytometer enabling consistent transitand accurate characterization of tumor cells and blood cells, Sensors& Actuators: B. Chemical, 2021, 336:129719 (SCI, IF=9.221)

[49]Hui Ren, Zhixian Zhu, Nan Xiang*, HaoWang, Tingting Zheng, HongjieAn, Nam-Trung Nguyen*, Jun Zhang*. Multiplexed serpentine microchannels forhigh-throughput sorting of disseminated tumor cells from malignant pleuraleffusion, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2021,337:129758 (SCI, IF=9.221)

[48]Di Huang, Nan Xiang*. Rapid and precise tumor cell separation usingthe combination of size-dependent inertial and size-independent magneticmethods, Lab on a Chip, 2021, 21(7):1409-1417 (SCI,IF=7.517)

[47]Di Jiang, Chen Ni, Wenlai Tang*, Nan Xiang*. Numerical simulationof elasto-inertial focusing of particles in straight microchannels, JournalofPhysics D: Applied Physics, 2021, 54:065401 (SCI, IF=3.409)

[46]Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. Deformability cytometry for high-throughputcell mechanical phenotyping, Science Bulletin,2020, 65(24):2045-2047 (SCI, IF=20.577)

[45] NanXiang*, Qiao Li, Zhonghua Ni*. Combining Inertial Microfluidics withCross-Flow Filtration for High-Fold and High-Throughput Passive VolumeReduction, Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 92(9):6770-6776 (SCI,IF=8.008)

[44]Wenlai Tang, Shu Zhu, Di Jiang, Liya Zhu, Jiquan Yang, Nan Xiang*.Channel innovations for inertial microfluidics, Lab on a Chip,2020, 20: 3485-3502 (SCI, IF=7.517)

[43]Shu Zhu, Dan Wu, Yu Han, Cailian Wang, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*.Inertial microfluidic cube for automatic and fast extraction of white bloodcells from whole blood, Lab on a Chip, 2020, 20(2):244-252(SCIIF=7.517, 正封面论文)

[42] NanXiang*, Qiao Li, Zhiguo Shi, Chenguang Zhou, Fengtao Jiang, Yu Han,Zhonghua Ni*. Low-cost multi-core inertial microfluidic centrifuge forhigh-throughput cell concentration, Electrophoresis, 2020,41(10-11):875-882 (SCI, IF=3.595)

[41]Linbo Liu, Haoyan Xu, Haibo Xiu, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*.Microfluidic on-demand engineering of longitudinal dynamic self-assembly ofparticles, Analyst, 2020, 145:5128-5133 (SCI, IF=5.227)

[40]Shu Zhu, Fengtao Jiang, Yu Han, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*.Microfluidics for label-free sorting of rare circulating tumor cells, Analyst 2020,145(22): 7103-7124. (SCI, IF=5.227)

[39]Di Huang, Jiaxiang Man, Di Jiang, Jiyun Zhao, Nan Xiang*. Inertialmicrofluidics: Recent advances, Electrophoresis, 2020, 41,2166–2187 (SCI, IF=3.595)

[38]Fengtao Jiang, Nan Xiang*, ZhonghuaNi*. Ultrahigh throughputbeehive-like device for blood plasma separation, Electrophoresis, 2020, 41(13): 2136–2143.(SCI, IF=3.595)

[37]Yunlin Quan, Ke Chen, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. A single-view fieldfilter device for rare tumor cell filtration and enumeration, Electrophoresis, 2020, 41(23):2000-2006.(SCI, IF=3.595)

[36]Linbo Liu, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. Droplet-based microreactor forthe production of micro/nano-materials, Electrophoresis,2020, 41(10-11):833-851 (SCI, IF=3.595)

[35] Nan Xiang*,Yu Han, Yuan Jia, Zhiguo Shi, Hong Yi, Zhonghua Ni*. Flow stabilizer on asyringe tip for hand-powered microfluidic sample injection, Labon a Chip, 2019, 19(2): 214-222(SCIIF=7.517, 正封面论文)

[34] NanXiang*, Jie Wang, Qiao Li, Yu Han, Di Huang*, Zhonghua Ni*.Precise Size-Based Cell Separation via the Coupling of Inertial Microfluidicsand Deterministic Lateral Displacement, Analytical Chemistry,2019, 91(15):10328-10334 (SCI, IF=8.008)

[33] NanXiang*, Rui Zhang, Yu Han, Zhonghua Ni*. A Multilayer Polymer-Film InertialMicrofluidic Device for High-Throughput Cell Concentration, AnalyticalChemistry, 2019, 91(8):5461-5468 (SCI, IF=8.008)

[32] NanXiang*, Jie Wang, Qiao Li, Yu Han, Di Huang*, Zhonghua Ni*.Precise Size-Based Cell Separation via the Coupling of Inertial Microfluidicsand Deterministic Lateral Displacement, Analytical Chemistry,2019, 91(15):10328-10334 (SCI, IF=8.008)

[31]Xinjie Zhang, Kang Xia, Aimin Ji, Nan Xiang*. A smart and portablemicropump for stable liquid delivery, Electrophoresis, 2019,40(6): 865-872 (SCI, IF=3.595)

[30]Jingwen Mo*, Yaohuan Ding, Shu Zhu, Pan Kuang, Long Shen, Nan Xiang*,Jingjie Sha, Yunfei Chen*. Passive microscopic fluidic diodes using asymmetricchannels, AIP Advances, 2019, 9(8):085117 (SCI, IF=1.697)

[29] LinboLiu, Ke Chen, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. Dielectrophoreticmanipulation of nanomaterials: a review, Electrophoresis,2019, 40(6): 873-889 (SCI, IF=3.595)

[28] Nan Xiang*,Qing Dai, Yu Han, Zhonghua Ni*. Circular-channel particle focuser utilizingviscoelastic focusing, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2019,23(2):16 (SCI, IF=3.09)

[27]Wenlai Tang*, Di Jiang, Zongan Li, Liya Zhu, Jianping Shi, JiquanYang, NanXiang*. Recent advances in microfluidic cell sorting techniques based onboth physical and biochemical principles, Electrophoresis,2019, 40(6): 930-945 (SCI, IF=3.595)

[26]Wenlai Tang, Ning Fan, Jiquan Yang, Zongan Li, Liya Zhu, Di Jiang, JianpingShi*, Nan Xiang*. Elasto-inertial particle focusing in 3D-printedmicrochannels with unconventional cross sections, Microfluidics andNanofluidics, 2019, 23(3):42 (SCI, IF=3.09)

[25]Di Jiang, Di Huang, Gutian Zhao, Wenlai Tang*, Nan Xiang*. Numericalsimulation of particle migration in different contraction–expansion ratiomicrochannels, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2019, 23(1),7 (SCI, IF=3.09)

[24] NanXiang*, Xin Shi, Yu Han, Zhiguo Shi, Fengtao Jiang, ZhonghuaNi*. Inertial Microfluidic Syringe Cell Concentrator, AnalyticalChemistry, 2018, 90(15): 9515–9522 (SCI, IF=8.008)

[23] NanXiang*, Zhonghua Ni, Hong Yi*. Concentration‐controlled particlefocusing in spiral elasto‐inertial microfluidic devices, Electrophoresis,2018, 39(2): 417-424(SCIIF=3.595, 封面论文)

[22]Xinjie Zhang, Zhixian Zhu, Nan Xiang*, Feifei Long, ZhonghuaNi*. Automated microfluidic instrument for label-free and high-throughputcell separation, Analytical Chemistry, 2018,90(6):4212–4220 (SCI, IF=8.008)

[21]Xin Wang, Ke Chen, Linbo Liu, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*.Dielectrophoresis-based multi-step nanowire assembly on a flexiblesuperstrate, Nanotechnology, 2018, 29(2):025301 (SCI,IF=3.953)

[20] WenlaiTang, Dezhi Tang, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*, HongYi*. Microfluidic impedance cytometer with inertial focusing and liquidelectrodes for high-throughput cell counting and discrimination, AnalyticalChemistry, 2017, 89(5):3154-3161(SCIIF=8.008, 当期研究亮点)

[19] LinboLiu, Ke Chen*, Di Huang, Xin Wang, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni. Anovel ‘leadless’ dielectrophoresis chip with dot matrix electrodes forpatterning nanowires, Nanotechnology, 2017,28(28):285302(SCIIF=3.953, 正封面论文,英国皇家物理学会旗下nanotechweb.org网站专题报道)

[18] Xinjie Zhang,Zhixian Zhu, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*, Hong Yi*. Inexpensive, rapidfabrication of polymer-film microfluidic autoregulatory valve for disposablemicrofluidics, Biomedical Microdevices, 2017,19(2):21 (SCI, IF=3.783)

[17]Wenlai Tang, Dezhi Tang, Zhonghua Ni, Nan Xiang*, Hong Yi*. Aportable single-cell analysis system integrating hydrodynamic trapping withbroadband impedance spectroscopy, Science China-TechnologicalSciences, 2017, 60(11):1707-1715 (SCI, IF=3.903)

[16] NanXiang*, Qing Dai, Zhonghua Ni*. Multi-train elasto-inertial particlefocusing in straight microfluidic channels, Applied Physics Letters,2016, 109(13):134101 (SCI, IF=3.971)

[15]Xinjie Zhang, Zhixian Zhu, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. A microfluidicgas damper for stabilizing gas pressure in portable microfluidic systems, Biomicrofluidics,2016, 10(5):054123 (SCI, IF=3.258)

[14] NanXiang*, Xinjie Zhang, Qing Dai, Jie Cheng, Ke Chen, ZhonghuaNi*. Fundamentals of elasto-inertial particle focusing in curvedmicrofluidic channels, Lab on a Chip, 2016,16(14):2626-2635(SCIIF=7.517, 背封面论文)

[13] NanXiang*, Di Huang, Jie Cheng, Ke Chen, Xinjie Zhang, Wenlai Tang, ZhonghuaNi*. Focusing dynamics of finite-sized particles in confined microfluidicchannels, Applied Physics Express, 2016, 9(2):027001 (SCI,IF=2.819)

[12]Di Huang, Xin Shi, Yi Qian, Wenlai Tang, Linbo Liu, Nan Xiang*, ZhonghuaNi*. Rapid separation of human breast cancer cells from blood using a simplespiral channel device, Analytical Methods, 2016, 8(30):5940-5948 (SCI, IF=3.532)

[11]Di Jiang, Wenlai Tang, Nan Xiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. Numericalsimulation of particle focusing in a symmetrical serpentine microchannel, RSCAdvances, 2016,6(62): 57647-57657 (SCI, IF=4.036)

[10]Xinjie Zhang, Xin Wang, Ke Chen, Jie Cheng, Nan Xiang*, ZhonghuaNi*. Passive flow regulator for precise high-throughput flow rate control inmicrofluidic environments, RSC Advances, 2016, 6(38):31639-31646 (SCI, IF=4.036)

[9]Xinjie Zhang, Di Huang, Wenlai Tang, Di Jiang, Ke Chen, Hong Yi, NanXiang*, Zhonghua Ni*. A low cost and quasi-commercial polymer film chip forhigh-throughput inertial cell isolation, RSC Advances, 2016,6(12): 9734-9742 (SCI, IF=4.036)

[8] NanXiang*, Zhonghua Ni. High-throughput blood cell focusing and plasmaisolation using spiral inertial microfluidic devices, BiomedicalMicrodevices, 2015, 17(6): 110-121 (SCI, IF=3.783)

[7]Nan Xiang, Zhiguo Shi, Wenlai Tang, Di Huang, Xinjie Zhang, ZhonghuaNi*. Improved understanding of particle migration modes in spiral inertialmicrofluidic devices, RSC Advances, 2015,5(94):77264-77273 (SCI, IF=4.036)

[6]Xinjie Zhang#, Nan Xiang#(共同一作), Wenlai Tang, Di Huang, Xin Wang,Hong Yi, Zhonghua Ni*. A passive flow regulator with low threshold pressure forhigh-throughput inertial isolation of microbeads, Lab on a Chip,2015, 15(17): 3473-3480 (SCIIF=7.517, 正封面论文)

[5] NanXiang, Ke Chen, Qing Dai, Di Jiang, Dongke Sun, Zhonghua Ni*.Inertia-induced focusing dynamics of microparticles throughout a curvedmicrofluidic channel, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2015,18(1): 29-39 (SCI, IF=3.09)

[4]Nan Xiang, Hong Yi, Ke Chen, Dongke Sun, Di Jiang, Qing Dai, ZhonghuaNi*. High-throughput inertial particle focusing in a curved microchannel:Insights into the flow-rate regulation mechanism and process model, Biomicrofluidics,2013, 7(4): 044116(SCI, IF=3.258)

[3]Nan Xiang, Hong Yi, Ke Chen, Shanfang Wang, Zhonghua Ni*. Investigationof the maskless lithography technique for the rapid and cost-effectiveprototyping of microfluidic devices in laboratories, Journal ofMicromechanics and Microengineering, 2013, 23(2): 025016 (SCI,IF=2.282)

[2] NanXiang, Ke Chen, Dongke Sun, Shanfang Wang, Hong Yi, Zhonghua Ni*.Quantitative characterization of the focusing process and dynamic behaviorofdifferently sized microparticles in a spiral microchannel, Microfluidicsand Nanofluidics, 2013, 14(1-2): 89-99 (SCI, IF=3.09)

[1] NanXiang, Xiaolu Zhu, Zhonghua Ni*. Application of Inertial Effect inMicrofluidic Chips, Progress in Chemistry, 2011, 23(9):1945-1958 (SCI, IF=1.044)


(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,51875103,基于电指纹差异的循环肿瘤细胞精准检测芯片研究,2019-012022-1260万元,在研,主持

(2) 江苏省科技厅,优青项目,BK20190064,微流控仪器的设计与制造,2019-072022-0650万元,在研,主持

(3) 国家自然科学基金委员会,重大科研仪器研制项目,81727801,面向稀有循环肿瘤细胞的非标记精准检测仪器研制,2018-012022-12690万元,在研,参加(排2

(4) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,51775111,全血中稀有循环肿瘤细胞的精准表征方法研究,2018-012021-1262万元,在研,参加(排2

(5) 江苏省委组织部,第十四批六大人才高峰高层次人才计划,SWYY-0052017-092020-084万元,已结题,主持

(6) 云顶集团,人才项目,首批至善青年学者(A层次),2017-012020-1230万元,已结题,主持

(7) 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,51505082,形变和形状特性对生物粒子惯性迁移行为的影响机理研究,2016-012018-1226万元,已结题,主持

(8) 江苏省科技厅,青年项目,BK20150606,复杂特性生物细胞惯性聚焦机理及其应用研究,2015-072018-0620万元,已结题,主持

(9) 流体动力与机电系统国家重点实验室,开放基金,GZKF-201501,基于惯性微流控技术的生物细胞聚焦机理及分选应用研究,2015-122017-125万元,已结题,主持

(10) 云顶集团,高水平论文专项,稀有细胞精准电阻抗表征的装置开发研究,2017-032018-1211万元,已结题,主持

(11) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,81572906,基于惯性及介电泳技术的循环肿瘤细胞多级分选装置研究,2016-012019-1277万元,已结题,参加(排2

(12) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,51375089,单根精度纳米线的高柔性与大规模操控技术研究,2014-012017-1290万元,已结题,参加(排3

(13) 国家自然科学基金委员会,科学部主任基金,51145009,基于惯性微流控技术的微纳米粒子操控机理的研究,2012-012012-1210万元,已结题,参加(排2

(14) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金博导类课题,20110092110003,基于惯性微流控技术的微纳米粒子分选方法研究,2012-012014-1212万元,已结题,参加(排2



(1) 项楠、倪中华、张睿、石欣、李峤,一种机械驱动的精确进样装置,申请号:ZL 201810346348.4,授权公告日:2021.03.19 发明授权

(2) 项楠、蒋丰韬、倪中华,三维螺旋结构细胞分选微流控芯片及其制作方法,申请号:ZL 201810268556.7,授权公告日:2020.09.11 发明授权

(3) 项楠、倪中华,注射器流量稳定装置,申请号:ZL201710816183.8,授权公告日:2020.07.31 发明授权

(4) 项楠、倪中华,一种分选细胞的微流控器件及其使用方法,申请号:ZL 201710872818.6,授权公告日:2020.07.31 发明授权

(5) 项楠、倪中华、张睿、姜恒、郑宇,微米粒子高通量富集微流控芯片,申请号:ZL 201711248886.1,授权公告日:2020.05.19 发明授权

(6) 项楠、王欣、倪中华、陈科,一种基于光诱导介电泳技术和纳米孔的DNA测序装置和测序方法,申请号:ZL 201710238945.0,授权公告日:2019.07.30 发明授权

(7) 项楠、倪中华、朱志贤、张鑫杰,一种肿瘤细胞高通量分选富集微流控芯片,申请号:ZL 201710227189.1,授权公告日:2019.06.21 发明授权

(8) 项楠、倪中华,微流控注射器滤头及其使用方法,申请号:ZL 201710816147.1,授权公告日:2019.06.21 发明授权

(9) 项楠、倪中华、郑宇、姜恒,一种能实现细胞中心位置聚焦和检测的微流控芯片,申请号:ZL 201710153375.5,授权公告日:2019.05.24 发明授权

(10) 项楠、蒋丰韬、倪中华,一种微流控移液器枪头,申请号:ZL 201710461769.7,授权公告日:2019.04.30 发明授权

(11) 项楠、倪中华、姜恒、郑宇,一种高通量微米粒子循环分选与浓缩装置及其制作方法,申请号:ZL 201710235635.3,授权公告日:2019.03.12 发明授权

(12) 项楠、王欣、倪中华、陈科,一种制作银纳米线柔性透明导电薄膜的方法,申请号:ZL 201710126436.9,授权公告日:2018.04.24 发明授权

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