

王乾乾,云顶集团青年首席教授,破格入选国家“海外高层次青年人才计划”,小米青年学者。博士毕业于香港中文大学,并在香港中文大学从事博士后研究工作。作为主持人承担国家自然科学基金青年基金、江苏省自然科学基金青年基金等多项科研项目。近五年来在 Science Advances, Science Robotics, Nature CommunicationsACS Nano, IEEE Transactions 系列 (T-CYBER、T-MECH、T-ASE、T-BME等)发表论文 40 余,多篇文章入ESI高被引论文ESI热点论文(Top 0.1%);IEEE ICRAIEEE/RSJ IROS 等机器人领域国际知名会议中发表多篇论文并做报告和主题研讨;研究成果得Nature NewsNewScientist香港创新科技署等国内外科研院所和专业机构的广泛报道。担任IEEE Transactions、IEEE IROS个专业期刊及国际会议的副编辑、客座编辑和审稿人。

Google Scholarhttps://scholar.google.com.hk/citations?user=Qf45pSsAAAAJ&hl=en (引用1500+,H-index 21)


1. 小尺度机器人学 (Small-scale Robotics),包括小尺度机器人的设计、磁驱动、自动化控制及成像定;

2. 微机器人集群系统 (Microrobotic swarm) 的设计及操控,包括微集群的驱动、控制及医学成像引导下物质的靶向递送;

3. 磁控医疗设备的研发与应用探究 (靶向输送系统、磁性生物基机器人微介入系统)。

4. 磁驱动的动态自组装 (Dynamic Self-assembly) 及微操作 (Micromanipulation);

5. 柔性多模态微小型机器人及微纳医疗器械的设计、自动化控制及生物医学应用;




email: qqwang@seu.edu.cn  →email标题请注明“博士/硕士申请-姓名-本科/硕士学校-研究方向”,会在3日内回复。

欢迎学子们讨论及参与SRTP项目毕业设计课题,可提供以仿真、建模为主 and/or 以实验分析为主的多种类课题,包括但不限于:多模态柔性机器人设计/驱动、微纳颗粒操作、集群效应探究、磁控算法设计、微纳米机器人仿真环境/界面设计、超声定位、闭环控制算法、磁控设备的设计及搭建等。


2022 年 月-至今                东南大 云顶集团 机械设计系

2020 年 8 月-2021 年 12 月    香港中文大学 博士后(Postdoctoral Fellow)

2016 年 9 月-2020 年 7 月     香港中文大学  教学助理(Teaching Assistant)




审稿期刊: IEEE RA-L, Soft Robotics, ACS Nano; IEEE Transactions series (IEEE T-MECH, T-BME, T-ASE, T-RO)



2023 Associate Editor, IEEE IROS 2023
2023Associate EditorUR 2023
2023Program Committee, IEEE RCAR2023
2022.4-至今Guest EditorNanomaterials 
2021.2-至今Topic Editor, Micromachines 
2020.12-2022.2 Topic Editor, Frontiers in Robotics and AI (Robotic Control Systems, Biomedical Robotics) 
2022.4   Technical Program Committee, Int. Conf. on ATAMI 2022
2021.8  Session ChairIEEE CASE 2021


2019  香港中文大学研究海报奖,亚军 (结果报道)

2022 小米青年学者



  1. Wang Q., Chan K. F., Schweizer K., Du X., Jin D., Yu S. C. H., Nelson B. J., Zhang L. Ultrasound Doppler-Guided Real-Time Navigation of a Magnetic Microswarm for Active Endovascular Delivery. Science Advances, 2021, 7(9): eabe5914. ESI Highly Cited Paper. ESI Hot Paper (Top 0.1%) (重点报道:香港中文大学传讯及公共关系处公众号) (IF = 14.957)

  2.       WangQ., Xiang N., Lang J., Wang B., Jin D., Zhang L. Reconfigurable Liquid-Bodied Miniature Machines: Magnetic Control and Microrobotic Applications. Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2023.
  3. Yang S., Wang Q., Jin D., Du X., Zhang L. Probing Fast Transformation of Magnetic Colloidal Microswarms in Complex Fluids. ACS Nano, 2022, 16(11): 19025-37.

  4. Wang Q., Du X., Jin D., Zhang L. Real-Time Ultrasound Doppler Tracking and Autonomous Navigation of a Miniature Helical Robot for Accelerating Thrombolysis in Dynamic Blood Flow, ACS Nano, 2022,16(1): 604-616. (重点报道:NewScientist, Today News, Newsbreak, 科匠文化,自动化学会)(IF=18.027)

  5. Cai M., Wang Q*., Qi Z., Jin D., Wu X., Xu T*., Zhang L*. Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework-Based Flow Rates Rejection Control of Soft Magnetic Miniature Robots, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2022, accepted. (IF = 19.118)

  6.      †Du X., Wang Q., & et al, Real-time Navigation of Untethered Miniature Robot Using Mobile Ultrasound Imaging and Magnetic Actuation Systems, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2022, accepted. (IF=4.321)

  7. Wang Q*., Yang S., Zhang L. Magnetic Actuation of a Dynamically Reconfigurable Microswarm for Enhanced Ultrasound Imaging Contrast, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2022, early access. (IF = 5.867,自动控制与机电系统领域Top 5%)

  8. Wang Q., Zhang L. External Power-Driven Microrobotic Swarm: From Fundamental Understanding to Imaging-Guided Delivery. ACS Nano, 2021, 15(1): 149–174. ESI Highly Cited Paper. (重点报道)(IF=18.027)

  9. Wang Q., Jin D., Wang B., Xia N., Ko H., Ip B. Y. M., Leung T. W. H., Yu S. C. H., Zhang L. Reconfigurable Magnetic Microswarm for Accelerating tPA-Mediated Thrombolysis under Ultrasound Imaging. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2021, early access.

  10. Wang Q.,Yang L., Zhang L. Micromanipulation using Reconfigurable Self-Assembled Magnetic Droplets with Needle Guidance. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2021, early access.(IF = 6.636,控制与系统工统领域Top 5%).

  11. Wang Q., Tian Y., Du X., Ko H., Ip B. Y. M., Leung T. W. H., Yu S. C. H., Zhang L. Magnetic Navigation of Collective Cell Microrobots in Blood Under Ultrasound Doppler Imaging. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2021, early access.

  12. Wang Q., Yang L., Yu J., Chiu P. W. Y., Zheng Y.-P., Zhang L. Real-Time Magnetic Navigation of a Rotating Colloidal Microswarm under Ultrasound Guidance. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2020, 67(12): 3403–3412. (IF = 4.765,生物医学工程领域Top 10%)

  13.  Wang Q., Yu J., Yuan K., Yang L., Jin D., Zhang L. Disassembly and Spreading of Magnetic Nanoparticle Clusters on Uneven Surfaces. Applied Materials Today, 2020, 18: 100489. (IF = 10.041)

  14. Wang Q., Zhang L. Ultrasound Imaging and Tracking of Micro/nanorobots: From Individual to Collectives. IEEE Open Journal of Nanotechnology, 2020, 1, 6–17 (Featured article).

  15. Wang Q., Yang L., Wang B., Yu E., Yu J., Zhang L. Collective Behavior of Reconfigurable Magnetic Droplets via Dynamic Self-Assembly. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(1): 1630–1637. (IF = 10.383)

  16. Yang L., Wang Q., Zhang L. Model-Free Trajectory Tracking Control of Two-particle Magnetic Microrobot. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 2018, 17(4): 697–700. (IF = 2.967)

  17.        Wang Q., Yang L., Yu J., Zhang L. Characterizing Dynamic Behaviors of Three-Particle Paramagnetic Microswimmer                  near a Solid  Surface. Robotics and Biomimetics, 2017, 4(1): 1–11

  18. Xia N., Jin B., Jin D., Yang Z., Pan C., Wang Q., Ji F., Iacovacci V., Majidi C., Ding Y., Zhang L. Decoupling and Reprogramming the Wiggling Motion of Midge Larvae Using a Soft Robotic Platform, Advanced Materials, 2022.

  19. Wang B., Chan K. F., Yuan K., Wang Q., Xia X., Yang L., Ko H., Wang Y.-X. J., Sung J. J. Y., Chiu P. W. Y., Zhang L. Endoscopy-Assisted Magnetic Navigation of Biohybrid Soft Microrobots with Rapid Endoluminal Delivery and Imaging. Science Robotics, 2021, 6(52): abd2813.

  20.  Jin D., Yuan K., Du X., Wang Q., Wang S., Zhang, L. Domino Reaction Encoded Heterogeneous Colloidal Microswarm with On-Demand Morphological Adaptability. Advanced Materials, 2021,33(37): 2100070.

  21. Dong Y., Wang L., Yuan K., Ji F., Gao J., Zhang Z., Du X., Tian Y., WangQ., Zhang L. Magnetic Microswarm Composed of Porous Nanocatalysts for Targeted Elimination of Biofilm Occlusion. ACS Nano, 2021, 15(3): 5056–5067.

  22.  Yang Z., Yang L., Zhang M., Wang Q., Yu S. C. H., Zhang L. Magnetic Control of a Steerable Guidewire under Ultrasound Guidance Using Mobile Electromagnets. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters,2021, 6(2).

  23. Yu J.,Jin D., Chan K.-F., Wang Q., Yuan K., Zhang L. Active Generation and Magnetic Actuation of Microrobotic Swarms in Bio-Fluids. Nature Communications, 2019, 10(1).

  24. Yang L., Zhang Y., Wang Q., Chan K.-F., & Zhang L. Automated Control of Magnetic Spore-Based Microrobot Using Fluorescence Imaging for Targeted Delivery with Cellular Resolution. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2019, 17(1): 490–501.

  25. Yang L., Zhang Y., Wang Q., & Zhang, L. An Automated Microrobotic Platform for Rapid Detection of c. diff Toxins. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2019, 67(5): 1517–1527.

  26. Yu J., Wang Q., Li M., Liu C., Wang L., Xu T., Zhang L. Characterizing Nanoparticle Swarms with Tuneable Concentrations for Enhanced Imaging Contrast. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2019, 4(3).

  27. Wang B., Chan K. F., Ji F., Wang Q., Chiu P. W. Y., Guo Z., Zhang L. On-Demand Coalescence and Splitting of Liquid Marbles and their Bioapplications. Advanced Science, 2019, 6(10): 1802033.

  28. Wang B., Ji F., Yu J., Yang L., Wang Q., Zhang L. Bubble-Assisted Three-Dimensional Ensemble of Nanomotors for Improved Catalytic Performance. iScience, 2019, 19: 760–771.

  29. Yu J., Wang B., Du X., Wang Q., Zhang L. Ultra-Extensible Ribbon-Like Magnetic Microswarm. Nature Communications, 2018, 9(1): 1–9. (ESI Highly Cited Paper)

  30. Wang B., Chan K. F., Yu J., Wang Q., Yang L., Chiu P. W. Y., Zhang L. Reconfigurable Swarms of Ferromagnetic Colloids for Enhanced Local Hyperthermia. Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28(25): 1705701.

  31.        Yang L., Wang Q., Vong C.-I., Zhang L. A Miniature Flexible-Link Magnetic Swimming Robot with Two Vibration                       Modes: Design, Modeling and Characterization. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2017, 2(4).


  1. Wang Q., Tian Y., Du X., Chan K.-F., Zhang L. (2021). Ultrasound Doppler imaging and navigation of collective magnetic cell microrobots in blood. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA2021). (机器人领域Top1)

  2. Wang Q., Wang B., Yu J., Schweizer K., Nelson B. J., Zhang L. (2020). Reconfigurable magnetic microswarm for thrombolysis under ultrasound imaging. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA2020), pp. 10285–10291.

  3. Wang Q., Du X., Ji F., Zhang L. (2019). Magnetic-needle-assisted micromanipulation of dynamically self-assembled magnetic droplets for cargo transportation. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS2019), pp. 1595–1600. (机器人领域Top2)

  4. Wang Q., Yang L., Yu J., Vong C.-I., Chiu P. W. Y., Zhang L. (2018). Magnetic navigation of a rotating colloidal swarm using ultrasound images. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS2018), pp. 5380–5385.

  5. Wang Q., Yang L., Yu J., Zhang L. (2017). Characterizing dynamic swimming behaviors of three-particle magnetic microswimmer near a solid surface. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2017), pp. 1442–1447.

  6.         Du X., Jin D., Wang Q., Yang S., Chiu P. W. Y., Zhang L. (2021). Parallel actuation of nanorod swarm and nanoparticle                 swarm to different targets. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA2021).


(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,2023.1-2025.12,在研,主持。

(2)江苏省科技厅,青年项目2022.07-2025.07 在研,主持。

