发布时间: 2018-11-13      浏览次数: 2410    发布人: 魏子琦

近日,云顶集团在能源领域取得进展该最新研究成果将可以实现同时从太阳和外太空获取能源。研究成果以Simultaneously and Synergistically Harvest Energy from the Sun and Outer Space”为题,118日在线发表于Joule我司陈震教授作为第一作者斯坦福大学范汕洄教授为通讯作者。


B-C)实验装置图(Chen et al., Joule (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joule.2018.10.009

 传统的太阳能器件将太阳能转化为电能或热能加以利用陈震教授和范汕洄教授合作的的最新研究成果有望为这一传统太阳能技术增加一个新的功能,使得铺设于建筑物屋顶的太阳能电池在为建筑物提供电能或热能的同时,实现在不消耗电能的前提下为建筑物制冷的功能。该最新研究成果是建立在两人2016年共同发表在Nature Communications上的研究成果基础上(Chen et al., Nature Communications 7, 13729 (2016)),这项技术可将器件昼夜24小时持续辐射制冷至低于环境温度40摄氏度。而最新发表在Joule的研究成果,则实现了将太阳能技术和辐射制冷技术合二为一,使得这两种技术不但不互相干扰,反而可以相互提升对方的工作效率。



Scientists have demonstrated for the first time that heat from the sun and coldness from outer space can be collected simultaneously with a single device.”


Chen, Fan, and their colleagues have demonstrated something new and important. For the first time, it’s clear from the one-two punch of this device that these two sources of renewable energy don’t have to jostle for space”

----Mark Nurge, a physicist at NASA’s Applied Physics Lab

This is a creative idea.If we want to actually address our growing energy needs, we need to do it in a way that’s paradigm shifting. And that means ideas that are different than incremental improvements on our current structure”

---- Gabriela Schlau-Cohen, a chemist studying light harvesting at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology