发布时间: 2013-12-24      浏览次数: 2726    发布人: admin
姓名 陈云飞
序号 研 究 方 向
1 机械结构的动态优化设计
2 机电产品的现代设计理论
3 家电结构设计
4 微纳机电系统
5 摩擦学
政治面貌 中共党员
职称 教授
文化程度 博士
所属院系 云顶集团


Email: yunfeichen@seu.edu.cn; 电话:025-52090518






20008~20011月在加州大学伯克利分校田长霖实验室从事微纳制造方面的研究工作,2001~2002年加入伯克利分校机械系Arun Majumdar教授微/纳米工程实验室从事微纳器件的研究工作。



1.1         主要学历与工作经历






2003-迄今,云顶集团,教授 /博导




200101-200203月,美国加州大学伯克利分校,机械系,Arun Majumdar实验室,Postdoctoral Research

200009-200101月,美国加州大学伯克利分校,机械系,田长霖实验室,Postdoctoral Research




19919—1995·3  云顶集团      机械学专业      博士

19889—1991·3  合肥工业大学  机械学专业      硕士

19839—1988·7  合肥工业大学  机械设计专业    本科





【1】       Juekuan Yang, Scott Waltermire, Yunfei Chen, Alfred A. Zinn, Terry T. Xu, and Deyu LiContact thermal resistance between individual multiwall carbon nanotubes,  Applied Physics Letters, 96, 023109, 2010.

【2】       Zhonghua Ni, Hao Bu, Min Zou, Hong Yi, Kedong Bi and Yunfei ChenAnisotropic mechanical properties of graphene sheets from molecular dynamics Physica B, Condensed Matter Physics. 4055),1301-13062010

【3】       Zan Wang, Wang Z, Zhao RJ, Chen YF, Monte Carlo simulation of phonon transport in variable cross-section nanowires, SCIENCE CHINA- TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 53 2 429-434FEB 2010



【4】       Yu BJ, Dong HS, Qian LM, Chen YF, Yu JX, Zhou ZRFriction-induced nanofabrication on monocrystalline silicon NANOTECHNOLOGY 2046),4653032009  

【5】       Dongyan Xu, Yongsheng Leng, Yunfei Chen, Deyu Li, Water structures near charged[100]and [111]silicon surfaces, Applied Physics Letters, 94, 201901,2009.

【6】       Yanyan Ge, Dongyan Xu, Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen, Deyu Li, Ionic current through a nanopore three nanometers in diameter, Physical Review E, 80 021918 2009

【7】       Hao Bu, Yunfei Chen, Min Zou, Hong Yi, Kedong Bi, Zhonghua Ni, Atomistic simulations of mechanical properties of graphene nanoribbons, Physical Letters A, 373, 3359-3362, 2009

【8】       Zeng HB, Pesika N, Tian Y, Zhao BX, Chen YF, Tirrell M, Turner KL, Israelachvili JN, Frictional Adhesion of Patterned Surfaces and Implications for Gecko and Biomimetic Systems, LANGMUIR   25(13), 7486-7495, 2009 

【9】       Boxin Zhao, Noshir Pesika, Hongbo Zeng, Zhensong Wei, Yunfei Chen, Kellar Autumn, Kimberly Turner, and Jacob Israelachvili, Role of Tilted Adhesion Fibrils (Setae) in the Adhesion and Locomotion of Gecko-like Systems Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 113(12) 3615-3621, 2009.

【10】   Yue Zhang, Yunfei Chen, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang, Zhonghua Ni and Yujuan Wang, Interface slip and the build up of hydrodynamic pressure in nanoscale bearings, Physica B, Condensed Matter Physics, 404231-234 2009.

【11】   Yunfei Chen, Juekuan Yang, Xiaohui Wang, Zhonghua Ni and Deyu Li, Temperature dependence of frictional force in carbon nanotube oscillators, Nanotechnology, 20(3), 035704_(1-6), 2009.


【12】  Min Chen, Yunfei Chen, Wu Zhong and Juekuan Yang, Molecular dynamics simulation of ion transport in a nanochannel, Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences, 51(7),921-931 2008


【13】  Yunfei Chen, Zhonghua Ni, Guiming Wang, Dongyan Xu and Deyu Li, Electroosmotic Flow in Nanotubes with High Surface Charge Densities, Nano Letters, 8(1), 42-48, 2008

【14】  Yunfei Chen, Deyu Li, Juekuan Yang, Yujuan Wang and Han Hu, Interface effects on lattice thermal conductivities of superlattices, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 5(2), 157-164, 2008



【15】  Yunfeng Gu and Yunfei Chen, Thermal conductivities of single-walled carbon nanotubes calculated from the complete phonon dispersion relations, Physical Review B, 76, 134110_(1-9), 2007

【16】  Dongyan Xu, Deyu Li, Yongsheng Leng and Yunfei Chen, Molecular dynamics simulations of ion distribution in nanochannels, Molecular Simulation, 33(12), 959-963, 2007

【17】  Yanliang Zhang, Yunfei Chen, Changmeng Gong, Juekuan Yang, Ruiming Qian, and Yujuan WangOptimization of Superlattice Thermoelectric Materials and MicrocoolersIEEE, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 16(5), 1113-1119, 2007

【18】  Juekuan Yang, Yujuan Wang and Yunfei Chen, GPU accelerated molecular dynamics simulation of thermal conductivities, Journal of Computational Physics, 221(2), 799-804, 2007

【19】  Chenxin Fu, Yunfei Chen and Jiwei Jiao, Molecular Dynmiacs Simulation of the Test of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes under Tensile Loading, Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences, 50(1), 7-17, 2007

项目名称 等级
纳通道中生物分子电信号的超灵敏检测方法与原理 国家 国家级自然(社会)科学基金重点项目、“973”二级课题
微纳传感与控制 国家 国家级自然(社会)科学基金重点项目、“973”二级课题
纳通道中生物分子电信号的超灵敏检测方法与原理 国家 国家级自然(社会)科学基金重点项目、“973”二级课题
微纳传感与控制 国家 国家级自然(社会)科学基金重点项目、“973”二级课题
微纳米尺度下点接触的能量输运机理的研究 国家 国家级自然(社会)科学基金一般项目、“973”三级课题
基于纳米孔的第三代DNA测序 国家 国家级自然(社会)科学基金一般项目、“973”三级课题
朝灵敏单分子传感器 国家 国家级自然(社会)科学基金一般项目、“973”三级课题
微纳医疗器械设计与制造 国家 国家级自然(社会)科学基金一般项目、“973”三级课题
多级电渗流微泵的关键技术及设计理论的研究 国家 国家级自然(社会)科学基金一般项目、“973”三级课题
金属/半导体多层膜能量输运机理的研究 国家 国家级自然(社会)科学基金一般项目、“973”三级课题
声子在超晶格结构中传输的理论与实验研究 国家 国家级自然(社会)科学基金一般项目、“973”三级课题
电渗流微泵 国家 国家级自然(社会)科学基金一般项目、“973”三级课题
电渗流微泵 国家 国家级自然(社会)科学基金一般项目、“973”三级课题
声子在超晶格结构中传输的理论与实验研究 国家 国家级自然(社会)科学基金一般项目、“973”三级课题
微制冷器 国家 国家级自然(社会)科学基金一般项目、“973”三级课题
声子在超晶格结构中输运的理论与实验研究 国家 国家级自然(社会)科学基金一般项目、“973”三级课题
高密磁记录系统的超薄液膜润滑理论 国家 国家级自然(社会)科学基金一般项目、“973”三级课题
纳通道流体动力学的分子动力学建模 国家 国家级其他项目
333人才项目超灵敏传感 国家 国家级其他项目
微纳米尺度点接触的理论与实验研究 国家 国家级其他项目
超灵敏单分子传感器 国家 国家级其他项目
电渗流微泵驱动机理的分子动力学仿真 国家 国家级其他项目
电渗流微泵驱动机理 国家 国家级其他项目
LTC模块有限元分析 部省 部省级各类项目
博世-西门子联合研发中心 部省 部省级各类项目
研究生创新平台 部省 部省级各类项目
渗流微泵驱动机理的分子动力学仿真 部省 部省级各类项目
新世纪优秀人才支持计划 部省 部省级各类项目
基于超晶格纳米线的微致冷器的关键 部省 部省级各类项目
六大高峰人才 部省 部省级各类项目
基于MEMS技术的超晶格微制冷器的研制 部省 部省级各类项目
纳米线的试验与理论研究 部省 部省级各类项目
微机电系统的脱附 部省 部省级各类项目
超薄液膜润滑理论 部省 部省级各类项目
多级热电制冷器的设计理论及关键技术研究 企业 其他项目(纵向)
现代设计方法的双语教学 企业 其他项目(纵向)
案例教学在机械工程人才培养 企业 其他项目(纵向)
非开挖管道工程机械与应用研究 企业 其他项目(横向)
发表时间 题目 刊物名称 备注
2013-10 Heat conduction across metal and nonmetal interface containing imbedded graphene layers Carbon SCI
2013-08 Nanopore detection of DNA molecules in magnesium chloride solutions Nanoscale Research Letters SCI
2013-06 Adaptive hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions of mussel foot proteins with organic thin films PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SCI
2013-05 Molecular dynamics study of DNA translocation through graphene nanopores Physical Review E SCI
2013-05 Effect of nanopore size on poly(dT)(30) translocation through silicon nitride membrane Science in China SCI
2013-04 Capture of charged polymer in salt solution MICRO-NANO TECHNOLOGY XIV EI
2012-12 The effects of ions and surface charge density on water distribution in silicon nanochannel International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE) EI
2012-11 Detecting DNA using a single graphene pore by molecular dynamics simulations Micro-Nano Technology XIII EI
2012-11 Water and ion distributions in a silicon nanochannel: A molecular dynamics study Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part N: Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanos EI
2012-11 Intertube thermal resistance in double-wall carbon nanotube ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE) EI
2012-08 A simple method for depositing DNA on the mica Micro-Nano Technology XIII EI
2012-04 The effects of van der waals bonding strength on the in-plane lattice thermal conductivities of mult ASME 2012 3rd International Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer, MNHMT 2012 EI
2012-04 Wave packet simulations of phonon boundary scattering at graphene Journal of Applied Physics SCI
2012-01 The Phonon Thermal Conductivity of Single-Layer Graphene From Complete Phonon Dispersion Relations JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER SCI
2012-01 Enhancing Flow Boiling Heat Transfer in Microchannels for Thermal Management with Monolithically-Int Nano Letters SCI
2011-07 The effect of surface roughness on lattice thermal conductivity of silicon nanowires Science in China SCI
2010-07 The Rheological Properties of Nanoscale Fluid ASME Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer International Conference SCI
2010-06 Monte Carlo simulations of phonon backseattering in low-sized nanowires ASME Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer International Conference SCI
2010-05 Monte Carlo simulation of phonon transport in variable cross-section nanowires 中国科学 SCI
2010-04 Atomistic Simulations of the Load Dependant Friction Force Between Silicon Tip and Diamond Substrate JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY SCI
2010-04 A Modified Thermal `Boundary Resistance Model for FCC Structures ASME Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer International Conference SCI
2009-09 管道内溶液 云顶集团学报 EI
2009-04 Water structures near charged[100]and [111]silicon surfaces Applied Physics Letters SCI
2009-03 基于蒙托卡洛方法 云顶集团学报 EI
2009-02 纳米通道离子电流 中国科学 SCI
2009-01 Interface slip and the build up of hydrodynamic pressure in nanoscale bearings Physica B SCI
2009-01 Ionic current through a nanopore three nanometers in diameter Physical Review E SCI
2009-01 Temperature dependence of frictional force in carbon nanotube oscillators Nanotechnology SCI
2009-01 气体环境下双壁碳管振荡器的能量耗散 中国科学 SCI
2009-01 Molecular dynamics simulation of ion transport in a nanochanne Science in China SCI
2009-01 单壁毯纳米管拉伸 中国科学 SCI
2009-01 Electroosmotic flow in microchannel Proceedings of ASME 2008 EI
2009-01 Carbon nanotube thermal conductivity Proceedings of ASME, 2008 EI
2008-09 轴向电场 云顶集团学报 EI
2008-08 Atomistic simulations of mechanical properties of graphene nanoribbons Physics Letters SCI
2008-03 Interface effects on lattice thermal conductivities of superlattices Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience SCI
2008-01 Electroosmotic Flow in Nanotubes with High Surface Charge Densities Nano Letters SCI
2008-01 Molecular dynamics simulation of ion transport in a nanochannel Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences SCI
2007-11 Molecular dynamics simulations of ion distribution in nanochannels Molecular Simulation SCI
2007-11 GPU accelerated molecular dynamics simulation of thermal conductivities Journal of computational Physics SCI
2007-10 Optimization of Superlattice Thermoelectric Materials and Microcoolers IEEE, Journal of MEMS SCI
2007-10 超薄水膜剪切流的分子动力学模拟 机械工程学报 EI
2007-10 Thermal conductivities of single-walled carbon nanotubes calculated from the complete phonon dispers Physical Review B SCI
2007-09 Molecular Dynmiacs Simulation of the Test of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes under Tensile Loading Science in China SCI
2007-01 Thermal Expansion and Isotopic composition effects on lattice thermal conductivity of crystalline Si Proceedings of IMECE 2006, 2006 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Novemb EI
2007-01 Hydrodynamic Lubircation in Nanoscale Bearings under High Shear Velocities Journal of Chemical Physics SCI
2007-01 Molecular Dynmiacs Simulation of the Test of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes under Tensile Loading Science in China Series E SCI
2007-01 纳米管道中电渗流的分子动力学仿真 传感技术学报 EI
2007-01 一种测试半导体制冷器的瞬态方法 半导体学报 EI
2007-01 Effects of ion-water potentials in molecular dynamics simulation of ion distribution in nanochannels Proceedings of IMECE 2006, 2006 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Novemb EI
2007-01 Molecular dynamics simulation of ion distribution in nanochannels Proceedings of IMECE 2006, 2006 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Novemb EI
2006-11 Thermal Conductivity of Single-wall Carbon Nanotubes Filled with Argon Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International,Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, EI
2006-10 Study on impurity desorption induced by femtosecond pulse laser based on a stochastic process model Science in China Series E SCI
2006-09 InGaAs/InGaAsP超晶格薄膜导热系数的测试 科学通报 SCI
2006-09 毛细管电渗流微泵的流型及驱动 机械工程学报
2006-08 Numerical simulation of impurity desorption induced by nanosecond and femtosecond laser pulses Journal of Applied Physics SCI
2006-01 Thermal conductivity of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes Physics Letters A SCI
2005-11 Minimum superlattice thermal conductivity from Molecular Dynamics Physical Review B SCI
2005-10 Monte Carlo Simulation of Thermal Conductivities of Si Nanowires ASME, Journal of Heat Transfer SCI
2005-03 二氧化硅薄膜的实验研究 云顶集团学报 EI
2004-07 Molecular dynamics study of the lattice thermal conductivity of Kr/Ar superlattice nanowires Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter SCI
2004-05 硅晶体的分子动力学仿真 工程热物理学报
2004-02 电渗流泵的流体动力学分析 机械工程学报 EI
2004-01 Thermal expansion and impurity effects on lattice thermal conductivity of solid Ar Journal of Chemical Physics SCI
2003-05 Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Superlattice Nanowires Science In China SCI
2003-04 超晶格薄膜热传导的分子动力学模拟 云顶集团学报 EI
2003-03 2 超薄氩膜热传导的分子动力学模拟 云顶集团学报 EI
2003-03 超晶格纳米线的分子动力学仿真 中国科学 SCI
2003-01 电渗流泵的机理分析 云顶集团学报 EI
2003-01 磁记录系统中磁头飞行状态的仿真研究 计算机工程 EI
2003-01 磁头形状的动态优化设计 Journal of Southeast University
2003-01 气缸盖敏捷柔性自动线的设计 机械制造与自动化
2002-06 Configuration optimaization.. Journal of Southeast University EI
2002-03 表面粗糙度对磁头磁盘系统静特性的影响 机械工程学报 EI
2002-03 高密磁记录系统磁头稳定飞行状态研究 云顶集团学报,自然科学版
2002-02 磁头磁盘动特性参数及稳定性分析 中国机械工程 EI
2001-10 超薄气体磁头/磁盘系统动力学分析 中国机械工程 EI
2001-08 Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Meniscus Formation between Two Surfaces Apllied Physics Letters SCI
2001-04 Roughness Effects on Dynamic Response of High Density Disk Drivers under High Knudsen Number Tribology Transactions SCI
2001-01 活塞环润滑状态的分析与应用 机械设计与制造工程
2000-06 高密磁盘系统的动力学分析 机械工程学报 EI
2000-03 工程创新能力人才培养模式的研究 云顶集团学报,哲学版