本期论坛由Prof. Jianbo Gao主讲



 题目:      Complex systems and emergence: How theory meets reality
 报告人:    Prof. Jianbo Gao
 时间:       201404月09日,星期三, 3:00 pm
 地点:      院南高厅
报告: Complex systems and emergence: How theory meets reality
报告人: Prof. Jianbo Gao
Emergent behaviors of complex systems have fascinated mankind for aeons. It is only in recent decades that extensive efforts have been made to quantitatively study them, resulting in important theories and tools such as chaos theory, random fractal theory, and multiscale analyses. This talk aims to convey the best practices in this vast field, emphasizing theory meets reality. As illustrative examples, cyber-security, brainwave signals, cable flaw diagnosis, image processing, financial crises, and world-wide political conflicts will be briefly discussed. Versatility of an adaptive algorithm for detrending, denoising, multiscale decomposition, and multifractal analysis will also be shown through examples.

Bio. Jianbo Gao received M.S. from Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science, in 1991, and Ph.D in Electrical Engineering of UCLA in 2000. In 2002, he joined Electrical and Computer Engineering at Univ of Florid as an assistant Prof. Currently, he is Research full Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at Wright State University, and founder of PMB Intelligence, a data analysis company based in Bay area, CA, specializing in sophisticated physical, mathematical, and bioengineering techniques to solve data-driven real-world problems. He is a leading expert on multiscale analysis and nonlinear time series analysis. His book, Multiscale Analysis of Complex Time Series: Integration of Chaos and Random Fractal Theory, and Beyond, is the first and highly praised book in the field. From 2004 to 2006 he was associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering and Signal Processing.