
办公室:机械楼 357

司伟博士,副教授,博导/硕导,机械设计工程系副主任,2020年度云顶集团至善青年学者B层次),江苏省2019年度优秀博士学位论文和云顶集团2019年度优秀博士学位论文获得者,连续2年入选云顶集团优才培育计划,担任《MaterialsInternational(ISSN: 2668-5728)期刊助理编辑和《Bioengineering International(ISSN 2668-7119)期刊编委。获2019Nanotechnology期刊杰出审稿人奖、20223MNano国际会议最佳论文奖指导教师、2022年“Electrophoresis期刊Reviewer Certificate、闵瑜员工奖励基金。


教学方面:获云顶集团第28届青年教师授课竞赛二等奖(每年约前5%可入围),获首届云顶集团教师教学创新大赛三等奖,作为项目负责人承担校级教改项目2项,已发表教改论文2篇,已录用教改论文1篇,担任云顶集团本科生班主任,担任云顶集团优秀生指导教师,担任本科生大类培养指导教师,担任铸造工艺大赛指导教师,所带的本科毕业设计获得云顶集团2019 届本科生优秀毕业设计(论文)团队称号,所带本科生的毕业设计论文获得2019年、2021年云顶集团优秀毕业设计论文,所带的本科生SRTP项目获得省级SRTP项目支持,所带的本科班级团支部获云顶集团2020磐石计划第二期校级项目立项。

科研方面:Journal of the American Chemical SocietyACS NanoSmallSmallMethods等国内外期刊发表SCI论文44篇,EI论文19篇申请和授权发明专利11项,其中以第一作者在ACS NanoSmallSmallMethods等国内外期刊发表SCI论文22(包括IF>15.0SCI论文6篇,封面论文3)。近年来作为主持人承担国家自然科学基金面向项目、国家自然科学青年基金、江苏省基础研究计划(自然科学基金)青年基金、南京市留学人员科技创新项目、江苏省仪器仪表学会智能医疗器械创新基金和校企合作基金等多个项目;作为参与人参加研究国家重点研发计划1项,国家自然科学基金重点基金2项和面上基金3项。国际国内作大会报告6次,特邀报告4次。

个人学术主页1    https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Wei-Si-4/research

个人学术主页2    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=J4R73XEAAAAJ&hl=en



1.    Si, W.*;Yu, M.; Wu, G.;Chen,  C.; Sha, J.; Zhang, Y.; Chen, Y.,A Nanoparticle-DNA Assembled Nanorobot Powered by Charge-Tunable Quad-Nanopore System. ACS Nano 2020, 14 (11),  15349-15360. (IF18.027)

2.    Si, W.; Aksimentiev, A.,Nanopore  Sensing of Protein Folding. ACSNano 2017,11 (7), 7091-7100. (IF18.027)

3.    Si, W. *; Zhang, Y.; Wu, G.;Kan, Y.; Zhang,  Y.; Sha, J.; Chen, Y.,Discrimination of Protein Amino Acid or Its Protonated  State at Single-Residue Resolution byGraphene Nanopores. Small 2019,15 (14), e1900036. (IF15.153)

4.    Si, W.*; Sun, Q.; Chen,  C.; Yu, M.; Sha, J.; Zhang, Y.; Kan, Y.;Chen, Y., Detergent-Assisted Braking  ofPeptide Translocation through a Single-Layer Molybdenum Disulfide  Nanopore. Small Methods 2020, 1900822.( (IF15.367,封面论文)

5.    Si, W.*; Zhu, Z.; Wu, G.;Zhang, Y.; Chen, Y.; Sha, J. Encoding Manipulation of DNA‐NanoparticleAssembled Nanorobot Using Independently Charged Array Nanopores. Small Methods2022, n/a, 2200318. (IF15.367)













1.    ChemicalScience

2.    ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces

3.    ACSSensors

4.    Nanotechnology

5.    Journalof Physics D-Applied Physics

6.    Journalof Physics-Condensed Matter

7.    Langmuir

8.    ModernPhysics Letters B

9.    Electrophoresis

10.  Polymer

11.  IETNanobiotechnology


1.MaterialsInternational(ISSN: 2668-5728)期刊助理编辑

2.《BioengineeringInternational(ISSN 2668-7119)期刊编委










1.    司伟*,工科专业课教学中课程思政与启发式教学的有机融合. 教书育人(高教论坛) 2021, 110-112.

2.    司伟*,工科专业课程中教师思政教学的意识培养与能力提升. 教书育人(高教论坛)2021, No.760, 45-47.



1.    Si, W.*; Zhu, Z.; Wu, G.;Zhang, Y.; Chen, Y.; Sha, J. Encoding Manipulation of DNA‐NanoparticleAssembled Nanorobot Using Independently Charged Array Nanopores. Small Methods 2022,n/a, 2200318.

2.    Si, W.*; Yuan, R.; Wu, G.; Kan,Y.; Sha, J.; Chen, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Shen, Y. Navigated Delivery of Peptide to theNanopore Using In-Plane Heterostructures of MoS2 and SnS2 for ProteinSequencing. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2022, 3863-3872.

3.    Yu,M. #; Si, W. *##并列一作); Zeng, T. #; Chen, C.; Lin, X.;Ji, Z.; Guo, F.; Li, Y.; Sha, J.; Dong, Y. Unveiling the Microscopic Mechanismof Current Variation in the Sensing Region of the MspA Nanopore for DNASequencing. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021, 9132-9141.

4.    Si, W.*; Yang, H.; Wu, G.;Zhang, Y.; Sha, J. Velocity control of protein translocation through a nanoporeby tuning the fraction of benzenoid residues. Nanoscale 2021.

5.    Si, W.*; Chen, C.; Wu, G.; Sun,Q.; Yu, M.; Qiao, Y.; Sha, J. High Efficient Seawater Desalination Based onParallel Nanopore Systems. Nano 2021, 16, 2150077.

6.    Si, W.*;Yu, M.; Wu, G.;Chen,  C.; Sha, J.; Zhang, Y.; Chen, Y.,A Nanoparticle-DNA Assembled Nanorobot Powered by Charge-Tunable Quad-Nanopore System. ACS Nano 2020, 14(11),  15349-15360.

7.    Si, W.*; Sun, Q.; Chen,  C.; Yu, M.; Sha, J.; Zhang, Y.; Kan, Y.;Chen, Y., Detergent-Assisted Braking  ofPeptide Translocation through a Single-Layer Molybdenum Disulfide  Nanopore. Small Methods 2020, 1900822.(封面论文)

8.    Si, W.*; Yang, H.;  Wu, G.; Chen, C.; Yu, M., Manipulation of DNAtransport through solid-state  nanoporesby atomic force microscopy. Materials Research Express 2020,7 (9), 095404.

9.    Liu,C. #; Si, W. ##并列一作); Wu, C.#; Yang, J.;  Chen, Y.; Dames, C., The ignored effects ofvibrational entropy and  electrocaloriceffect in PbTiO3 and PbZr0.5Ti0.5O3 as studied through  first-principles calculation. Acta Materialia2020,191,  221-229.

10.  Si, W.; Sha, J.; Sun, Q.; He,Z.; Wu, L.; Chen, C.; Yu,  S.-H.; Chen,Y., Shape Characterization and Discrimination of Single  Nanoparticles using Solid-state Nanopores.Analyst 2020,145 (5), 1657-1666. (封面论文)

11.  Si, W.*; Liu, C.; Sha, J.;Zhang, Y.; Chen, Y., Computational modeling of ionic currents through difform graphene nanopores withconsistent  cross-sectional areas. Phys.Chem. Chem. Phys. 2019,21  (47),26166-26174.

12.  Si, W. *; Zhang, Y.; Wu, G.;Kan, Y.; Zhang,  Y.; Sha, J.; Chen, Y.,Discrimination of Protein Amino Acid or Its Protonated  State at Single-Residue Resolution byGraphene Nanopores. Small 2019,15 (14), e1900036.

13.  Si, W.; Yang, H.; Sha, J.;Zhang,  Y.; Chen, Y., Discrimination ofsingle-stranded DNA homopolymers by sieving out G-quadruplex using tiny solid-state nanopores. Electrophoresis2019,40 (16-17), 2117-2124.(封面论文)

14.  Si, W. *; Zhang, Y.; Sha, J. J.;Chen, Y.  F., Mechanisms ofpressure-induced water infiltration process through  graphene nanopores. Mol Simulat 2019,45 (6),518-524.

15.  Si, W.*; Zhang, Y.; Sha, J.;Chen, Y.,  Controllable and reversibleDNA translocation through a single-layer molybdenum disulfide nanopore. Nanoscale 2018,10 (41), 19450-19458.

16.  Sha,J.#; Si, W.##并列一作); Xu, B.; Zhang, S.; Li, K.; Lin, K.; Shi, H.; Chen, Y., Identificationof  Spherical and Nonspherical Proteinsby a Solid-State Nanopore. Anal. Chem. 2018,90 (23),  13826-13831.

17.  Si, W.; Yang, H. J.; Li, K.;Wu,  G. S.; Zhang, Y.; Kan, Y. J.; Xie,X.; Sha, J. J.; Liu, L.; Chen, Y. F., Investigation on the interaction length and access resistance of ananopore  with an atomic forcemicroscopy. Science  China-TechnologicalSciences 2017,60 (4), 552-560.

18.  Si, W.; Aksimentiev, A.,Nanopore  Sensing of Protein Folding. ACSNano 2017,11 (7), 7091-7100.

19.  Si, W.; Aksimentiev, A.,Nanopore  Ionic Current can Report on theFolding State of a Protein. Biophys. J. 2017,112 (3),  195a-195a.

20.  Cressiot,B.#; Greive, S. J.#; Si, W#.#并列一作); Pascoa, T. C.; Mojtabavi,M.;  Chechik, M.; Jenkins, H. T.; Lu, X.;Zhang, K.; Aksimentiev, A.; Antson, A. A.; Wanunu, M., Porphyrin-Assisted Docking of a Thermophage PortalProtein  into Lipid Bilayers: NanoporeEngineering and Characterization. ACS Nano 2017,11 (12),  11931-11945.

21.  Si, W.; Zhang, Y.; Wu, G. S.;Sha,  J. J.; Liu, L.; Chen, Y. F., DNAsequencing technology based on nanopore sensors by theoretical calculations and simulations. Chinese ScienceBulletin 2014,59 (35), 4929-4941.

22.  Si, W.; Sha, J. J.; Liu, L.;Qiu,  Y. H.; Chen, Y. F., Effect ofnanopore size on poly(dT)(30) translocation  through silicon nitride membrane. Sci.  China: Technol. Sci. 2013,56 (10), 2398-2402.



23.  Yu,M.; Si, W.*; Sha, J. InMolecular Dynamics Simulation for Protein Unfolding, 2020 IEEE 15thInternational Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular System (NEMS),27-30 Sept. 2020; 2020; pp 382-386.

24.  Si, W.; Yang, H.; Ji, A.; Li,K.;  Sha, J.; Liu, L.; Chen, Y.,Electrophoresis of poly(dT)20 through alpha-hemolysin nanopore in high concentration potassium chloridesolution. Journal of Southeast University (English  Edition) 2016,32 (4), 496-501.

25.  Si, W.; Sha, J.; Liu, L.;Zhang,  Y.; Chen, Y. In The moleculardynamics  study for detection of ssDNA bymonolayer graphene nanopore, ASME 2013  InternationalMechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2013,  November 15, 2013 - November 21, 2013, SanDiego, CA, United states, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): San Diego, CA, United states, 2013;p  V03AT03A046.

26.  Si, W.; Sha, J. J.; Liu, L.;Li,  J. P.; Wei, X. L.; Chen, Y. F.,Detecting DNA Using a Single Graphene Pore by Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Micro-Nano Technology Xiii 2012,503,  423-426.



27.  Zhan,L.; Zhang, Y.; Si, W.; Sha,J.; Chen, Y. Detection and Separation of Single-Stranded DNA Fragments UsingSolid-State Nanopores. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12, 6469-6477.

28.  Zhang,Y.; Zhao, J.; Si, W.; Kan,Y.; Xu, Z.; Sha, J.; Chen, Y. Electroosmotic Facilitated Protein Capture andTransport through Solid‐State Nanopores with Diameter Larger than Length. SmallMethods 2020, 4, 1900893.

29.  Zhang,Y.; Zhao, J.; Kan, Y.; Ji, R.; Pan, J.; Huang, W.; Xu, Z.; Si, W.; Sha, J. Concentration effects on capture rate andtranslocation configuration of nanopore-based DNA detection. Electrophoresis2020, 41, 1523-1528.

30.  Wilson,J.; Sarthak, K.; Si, W.; Gao,L.; Aksimentiev, A. Rapid and Accurate Determination of Nanopore Ionic CurrentUsing a Steric Exclusion Model. ACS Sens 2019, 4, 634-644.

31.  Ma,J.; Li, K.; Li, Z.; Qiu, Y.; Si, W.;Ge, Y.; Sha, J.; Liu, L.; Xie, X.; Yi, H.; Ni, Z.; Li, D.; Chen, Y. DrasticallyReduced Ion Mobility in a Nanopore Due to Enhanced Pairing and Collisionsbetween Dehydrated Ions. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 4264-4272.

32.  Yang,H.; Li, Z.; Si, W.; Lin, K.;Ma, J.; Li, K.; Sun, L.; Sha, J.; Chen, Y. Identification of Single Nucleotidesby a Tiny Charged Solid-State Nanopore. J. Phys. Chem. B 2018, 122, 7929–7935.

33.  Winogradoff,D.; Maffeo, C.; Si, W.;Aksimentiev, A. All-Atom Structure and Ionic Conductivity of the Nuclear PoreComplex. Biophys. J. 2018, 114, 630a-630a.

34.  Shi,X.; Li, Q.; Gao, R.; Si, W.;Liu, S. C.; Aksimentiev, A.; Long, Y. T. Dynamics of a Molecular Plug Dockedonto a Solid-State Nanopore. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2018, 9, 4686-4694.

35.  Zhang,Y.; Wu, G.; Si, W.; Ma, J.;Yuan, Z.; Xie, X.; Liu, L.; Sha, J.; Li, D.; Chen, Y. Ionic current modulationfrom DNA translocation through nanopores under high ionic strength andconcentration gradients. Nanoscale 2017, 9, 930-939.

36.  Yang,H. J.; Li, Z. W.; Chen, Y. F.; Si, W.Identification of Single Nucleotides in SiN Nanopore. Biophys. J. 2017, 112,25a-25a.

37.  Wolfe,A. J.; Si, W.; Zhang, Z.;Blanden, A. R.; Hsueh, Y. C.; Gugel, J. F.; Pham, B.; Chen, M.; Loh, S. N.;Rozovsky, S.; Aksimentiev, A.; Movileanu, L. Quantification of MembraneProtein-Detergent Complex Interactions. J. Phys. Chem. B 2017, 121,10228-10241.

38.  Shi,X.; Gao, R.; Ying, Y. L.; Si, W.;Chen, Y. F.; Long, Y. T. A Scattering Nanopore for Single Nanoentity Sensing.Acs Sensors 2016, 1, 1086-1090.

39.  Cao,Y.; Lin, Y.; Qian, R. C.; Ying, Y. L.; Si,W.; Sha, J.; Chen, Y.; Long, Y. T. Evidence of single-nanoparticletranslocation through a solid-state nanopore by plasmon resonance energytransfer. Chem. Commun. (Camb.) 2016, 52, 5230-3.

40.  Shi,X.; Gao, R.; Ying, Y. L.; Si, W.;Chen, Y.; Long, Y. T. An integrated system for optical and electrical detectionof single molecules/particles inside a solid-state nanopore. Faraday Discuss.2015, 184, 85-99.

41.  Sha,J. J.; Si, W.; Xu, W.; Zou,Y. R.; Chen, Y. F. Glass capillary nanopore for single molecule detection.Science China-Technological Sciences 2015, 58, 803-812.

42.  Qiu,Y. H.; Li, K.; Chen, W. Y.; Si, W.;Tan, Q. Y.; Chen, Y. F. Ion and water transport in charge-modified graphenenanopores. Chinese Physics B 2015, 24, 108201.

43.  Kan,Y.; Tan, Q.; Wu, G.; Si, W.;Chen, Y. Study of DNA adsorption on mica surfaces using a surface forceapparatus. Sci. Rep. 2015, 5, 8442.

44.  Zhang,Y.; Wu, G. S.; Si, W.; Sha,J. J.; Liu, L.; Chen, Y. F. Retarding and manipulating of DNA molecules translocationthrough nanopores. Chin. Sci. Bull. 2014, 59, 4908-4917.

45.  Zhang,Y.; Wu, G.; Ma, J.; Yuan, Z.; Si, W.;Liu, L.; Sha, J.; Chen, Y. Temperature effect on translocation speed andcapture rate of nanopore-based DNA detection. Sci China Technol Sc 2014, 58,519-525.

46.  Wu,G. S.; Zhang, Y.; Si, W.;Sha, J. J.; Liu, L.; Chen, Y. F. Integrated solid-state nanopore devices forthird generation DNA sequencing. Science China-Technological Sciences 2014, 57,1925-1935.

47.  Qiu,Y. H.; Tan, Q. Y.; Si, W.;Chen, Y. F. Ion specificity in NaCl solution confined in silicon nanochannels.Science China-Technological Sciences 2014, 57, 230-238.



48.  Ji,Y.; Wang, Y.; Si, W.; Chen,Y. In Molecular dynamics study on the effect of lipid membrane mechanicalproperties on the interaction between β-amyloid and lipid membrane, 2020 14thInternational Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems(ICSPCS), 14-16 Dec. 2020; 2020; pp 1-6.

49.  Sun,Q.; Si, W.; Sha, J.; Chen, Y.In Size Characterization of Single Nanoparticles Using Solid-state Nanopores,2019 IEEE International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing andMeasurement on the Nanoscale (3M-NANO), 4-8 Aug. 2019; 2019; pp 316-319.

50.  Chen,C.; Si, W.; Wang, G.; Qiao,Y.; Sun, Q.; Sha, J. In MD Simulation for A Double Nanopore DesalinationSystem, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing andMeasurement on the Nanoscale (3M-NANO), 4-8 Aug. 2019; 2019; pp 312-315.

51.  Yang,H. J.; Si, W.; Ji, A. P.;Sha, J. J.; Chen, Y. F.; Xie, X.; Ji, A. P.; Ieee, Double Layer NanoporeFabricated by FIB and TEM. In 2017 Ieee International Conference onManipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale, Ieee: New York,2017; pp 274-277.

52.  Yu,J.; Si, W.; Sha, J.; Chen, Y.Effect of salt gradients on DNA translocation through solid-state nanopores.Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) 2016, 32, 307-311.

53.  Wu,G.; Zhang, Y.; Si, W.; Gu,Y.; Chen, Y. Current blockade mechanism for DNA translocation throughsolid-state nanopore with different membrane thickness. Journal of SoutheastUniversity (English Edition) 2016, 32, 301-306.

54.  Li,K.; Yuan, Z.; Ji, A.; Si, W.;Lin, K.; Yang, H.; Ma, J.; Sha, J.; Chen, Y. Electrokinetics transport ofconfined electrolyte solution in high concentration. Dongnan Daxue Xuebao(Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition)2016, 46, 972-976.

55.  Haojie,Y.; Duan, Z.; Si, W.; Li, K.;Chen, Y. In Influence of solution Ph on DNA translocation velocity throughalumina nanopores, ASME 2016 International Mechanical Engineering Congress andExposition, IMECE 2016, November 11, 2016 - November 17, 2016, Phoenix, AZ,United states, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): Phoenix, AZ,United states, 2016; p American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).

56.  Cai,D.; Kan, Y.; Zhao, G.; Wu, G.; Si, W.;Tan, Q.; Chen, Y. Adsorption and desorption behaviors of ssDNA molecules onmica surface by surface forces apparatus. Journal of Southeast University(English Edition) 2016, 32, 45-50.

57.  Zhang,Y.; Wu, G.; Si, W.; Sha, J.;Liu, L.; Chen, Y. In Nanopore positive pulse detection of DNA with saltgradients, International Conference on Machining, Materials and MechanicalTechnologies, IC3MT 2014, August 31, 2014 - September 5, 2014, Taipei City, Taiwan,Trans Tech Publications Ltd: Taipei City, Taiwan, 2015; pp 567-572.

58.  Sha,J.; Si, W.; Zhang, Y.; Chen,Y. In Concentration gradient effect on the capturing ratio of nanopore for DNA,International Conference on Machining, Materials and Mechanical Technologies,IC3MT 2014, August 31, 2014 - September 5, 2014, Taipei City, Taiwan, TransTech Publications Ltd: Taipei City, Taiwan, 2015; pp 554-560.

59.  Li,K.; Si, W.; Sha, J.; Chen, Y.In Molecular dynamics study of DNA translocation through graphene nanoporeswith controllable speed, ASME 2015 International Mechanical EngineeringCongress and Exposition, IMECE 2015, November 13, 2015 - November 19, 2015,Houston, TX, United states, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME):Houston, TX, United states, 2015; p American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME).

60.  Li,K.; Sha, J. J.; Liu, L.; Wu, G. S.; Si,W.; Chen, Y. F. In Molecular Dynamics Study of Confined Fluid inGraphene Nanopores, Advanced Materials Research, Trans Tech Publ: 2015; pp205-208.

61.  Zhang,Y.; Liu, L.; Sha, J.; Si, W.;Ma, J.; Chen, Y. In Fabrication of Al2O3 nanopore sensors for DNA detection,ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2013, November 15, 2013 - November 21, 2013, San Diego, CA, United states,American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): San Diego, CA, United states,2013; p ASME.

62.  Qiu,Y.; Ma, J.; Guo, W.; Si, W.;Tan, Q.; Chen, Y. In Ionic current investigation in silicon nanochannels withmolecular dynamics simulations, 2013 International Conference on Manipulation,Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale, 3M-NANO 2013, August 26, 2013 -August 30, 2013, Suzhou, China, IEEE Computer Society: Suzhou, China, 2013; pp325-328.


1.    司伟,林晓静,沙菁㛃,陈云飞。一种履带式纳米小车及其控制、制备方法。发明专利:202210355100.02022。(申请)

2.    司伟,王立伟,沙菁㛃,陈云飞。一种纳米管嵌套伸缩式治疗装置及其控制、制备方法。发明专利:202210354772.X2022。(申请)

3.    司伟,朱振东,袁润逸,沙菁㛃,陈云飞。一种编码式纳米机器及其控制、制备方法。发明专利:202110700953.92021。(申请)

4.    司伟,袁润逸,朱振东,沙菁㛃,陈云飞。二维平面异质结构的蛋白质拉伸测序平台及其制备方法。发明专利:202110700951.X2021。(申请)

5.    司伟,陈畅,孙倩怡,余梦,沙菁㛃,章寅,陈云飞。多自由度自组装纳米机器人及其制作控制方法。发明专利:201911214317.42019。(申请)

6.    司伟,孙倩怡,陈畅,余梦,沙菁㛃,章寅,陈云飞。一种超灵敏塑胶炸弹侦测传感器。发明专利:201911214153.52019。(申请)

7.    沙菁㛃,张志诚,陈云飞,傅方舟,孙倩怡,司伟,章寅。一种基于激光诱导空化的纳尺度薄膜孔制备装置及其方法。发明专利:20191027000062019。(申请)

8.    章寅,赵佳斌,董隽,陈云飞,司伟,沙菁㛃。一种外泌体内肿瘤标志miRNA的分离和检测系统及方法。发明专利:20191006402272019。(申请)

9.    沙菁㛃,张志诚,陈云飞,孙倩怡,傅方舟,司伟,章寅。纳米孔检测芯片的便携式装夹装置。发明专利:20181132802062019。(授权)

10.  沙菁㛃,孙倩怡,张志诚,傅方舟,陈云飞,司伟,章寅。一种光控纳米孔的单分子可控输出装置及其使用方法。发明专利:20181118646362018。(申请)

11.  陈云飞,司伟,伍根生,章寅,沙菁㛃,刘磊。一种多通道阵列式DNA测序系统及其测序方法。发明专利:201410320550.12016。(授权)

12.  陈云飞,倪振华,邹益人,袁志山,赵伟玮,伍根生,徐伟,司伟,沙菁洁,刘磊。一种可控的二维材料柔性转移方法.发明专利:2015.5.28, ZL201510331341.12016。(授权)

13.  陈云飞,司伟,沙菁㛃,刘磊. 一种基于纳米孔和原子力显微镜的三通道并行DNA测序传感器及检测方法.发明专利:201410084787.42015。(授权)