

黄炜成,男,哲学博士,副教授,主要从事柔性结构几何非线性相关问题研究。以第一作者/通讯作者(含同等贡献)Nat. Commun.JMPSIJSSJAMEML、ND等发表论文21篇。


202106月至今 东南大云顶集团 副教授






Extreme Mechanics Letters青年编委


1. UCLA Harry M. Showman Prize (https://samueli.ucla.edu/ucla-samueli-announces-2021-commencement-awards/)

2. UCLA Outstanding PhD Award (https://commencement.seas.ucla.edu/awards/)

3. UCLA Dissertation Year Fellowship ($20,000.00)

4. UCLA MAE 2020 Best Poster Award (https://www.mae.ucla.edu/ucla-mae-2020-poster-competition-winners-announced/)

5. 上海市优秀毕业生

6. 国家奖学金


1) Weicheng Huang, Xiaonan Huang, Carmel Majidi, Mohammed Khalid Jawed. Dynamic Simulation of Articulated Soft Robots, Nature Communications, 2020. Press Coverage: Nature ResearchScience DailyUnite AIUCLA NewsCMU Newsand ASME News. (Invited talk in IROS 2020 workshop).

2) Weicheng Huang, Yunbo Wang., Xuanhe Li, Mohammed Khalid Jawed. Shear Induced Supercritical Pitchfork Bifurcation of Pre-Buckled Bands, from Narrow Strips to Wide Plates, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2020.

3) Weicheng Huang, Chao Ma, Longhui Qin. Snap-Through Behaviors of a Pre-Deformed Ribbon under Midpoint Loadings, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2021.

4) Weicheng Huang, Chao Ma, Qiang Chen, Longhui Qin. A Discrete Differential Geometry-Based Numerical Framework for Extensible Ribbons, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2022.

5) Weicheng Huang, Mingchao Liu, K. Jimmy Hsia. A Discrete Model for the Geometrically Nonlinear Mechanics of Hard-magnetic Slender Structures. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2023.

6) Weicheng Huang, Mingchao Liu, K. Jimmy Hsia. Modeling of Magnetic Cilia Carpet Robots using Discrete Differential Geometry Formulation. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2023.

7) Weicheng Huang, Longhui Qin, Qiang Chen. Numerical Exploration on Snap Buckling of a Pre-Stressed Hemispherical Gridshell, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2022.

8) Weicheng Huang, Longhui Qin, Mohammed Khalid Jawed. Numerical Method for Direct Solution to Form-Finding Problem in Convex Gridshell, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2021.

9) Weicheng Huang, Mohammed Khalid Jawed. Newmark-beta Method in Discrete Elastic Rods Algorithm to Avoid Energy Dissipation, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2019.

10) Weicheng HuangDongze He, Yanbin Li, Dahai Zhang, Huaiwu Zou, Hanwu Liu, Wenmiao Yang, Longhui Qin, Qingguo FeiNonlinear Dynamic Modeling of a Tether-net System for Space Debris Capture, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022.

11) Weicheng Huang, Dongze He, Dezhong Tong, Yuzhen Chen, Xiaonan Huang, Longhui Qin, Qingguo Fei. Static Analysis of Elastic Cable Structures under Mechanical Load using Discrete Catenary Theory, Fundamental Research, 2022. (国家自然科学基金委员会邀稿)

12) Weicheng Huang, Mohammed Khalid Jawed. Numerical Exploration on Buckling Instability for Directional Control in Flagellar Propulsion, Soft Matter, 2020.(期刊内封面)

13) Weicheng Huang, Mohammed Khalid Jawed. Numerical Simulation of Bundling of Helical Elastic Rods in a Viscous Fluid, Computers & Fluids, 2021.

14) Weicheng Huang, Longhui Qin, Qiang Chen. Natural frequencies of pre-buckled rods and gridshells. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2022.

15) Weicheng Huang, Longhui Qin, Peifei Xu, Fangzhou Lu, Qiang Chen. Buckling Instability and Dynamic Response of a Planar Gridshell under Thermal Load. Mechanics Research Communications, 2022.

16) Weicheng Huang, Zachary Patterson, Carmel Majidi, Mohammed Khalid Jawed. Modeling Soft Swimming Robots using Discrete Elastic Rod Method. Springer, 2021.

17) Longhui Qin, Jianxiong Zhu, Weicheng HuangA Bottom-up Optimization Method for Inverse Design of Two-dimensional Clamped-Free Elastic Rods. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2022.(通讯作者,期刊封面)

18) Xuanhe Li, Weicheng Huang, Mohammed Khalid Jawed. Discrete Elasto-Plastic Rods. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2020.(共同一作

19) Xuanhe Li, Weicheng Huang, Mohammed Khalid Jawed. A Discrete Differential Geometry-based Approach to Numerical Simulation of Timoshenko Beam. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2020.(共同一作

20) Longhui Qin, Weicheng Huang, Yayun Du, Luocheng Zheng, Mohammed Khalid Jawed. Genetic Algorithm based Inverse Design of Cosserat Nets, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2020. (共同一作)

21) Xiaonan Huang, Weicheng Huang, Zachary Patterson, Zhijian Ren, Mohammed Khalid Jawed, Carmel Majidi. Numerical Simulation of an Untethered Omni-Directional Star-Shaped Swimming Robot, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2021.(共同一作)
