“新质装备前沿讲堂” 第二十八场:Prof. Wen Chen——Additive Manufacturing of Emerging Complex Alloys



Dr. Wen Chen is an Associate Professor in the Department ofMechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He completed his Ph.D. degree irMechanical Engineering and Materials Science at Yale Universityin 2016.After his Ph.D., he worked as a postdoctoral researclscientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, where hestudied a variety of additive manufacturing technigues such asprojection stereolithography, direct ink writing, and laser powdebed fusion. Dr. Chen's current research interests include advancedmanufacturing,mechanical behavior ofmaterials, physicalmetallurgy, and architected materials. Hle is the recipient of manvprestigious awards including the NSF CAREER Award and SMEOutstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award. He haspublished more than 70 peer-reviewed articles in high-impactiournals such as Nature,Nature Materials,NatureCommunications,Science Advances, Physical Review LettersMaterials Today, and Acta Materialia. He has been recentlselected as one of the 35 Emerging Young Investigators Under35(ish) highlighted by the journal Matter. Dr. Chen serves as theAssociate Editor for multiple iournals including MaterialsFutures,Scientific Reports, etc.

Presentation Abstract

The increasing demands for materials serving under extreme environments calfor the development ofemerging classes of metal alloys with increasinglcomplex compositions, However, synthesis and processing ofcomplex alloys yiatraditionalroutes are challenging, Additive manufacturing, also called 3D printingis a disruptive technology for creating materials and components in a single printHarnessing the vast compositional space of complex alloys and the far-fromequilibrium processing conditions (e.g., large thermal gradients and high coolingrates)of additive manufacturing provides a paradigm-shifting pathway fo.material design. In this talk, I will present the potential ofutilizing laser additivemanufacturing and direct ink writing to produce metal alloys with engineeredstructural hierarchy across multiple length scales. These unigue microstructuresgive rise to exceptional mechanical and functional properties that extend falbeyond those accessible by conventional manufacturing. In addition, l will discussthe abundant opportunities enabled by additive manufacturing for high-throughputmaterials discovery to accelerate the pace of future materials search for a widerange of applications in aerospace, biomedical, and renewable energy.

讲座时间:2024年8月27日 10:00(GMT+08:00)

