学术论坛报告:郭硕博士——Rheology of Active Fluid (活性软物质流变学)



题目:Rheology of Active Fluid (活性软物质流变学)


时间: 201912日,15:30-16:30



Active fluids are a novel class of non-equilibrium complex fluids with examples across a wide range of biological and physical systems such as flocking animals, swarming microorganisms, vibrated granular rods, and suspensions of synthetic colloidal swimmers. Different from familiar non-equilibrium systems where free energy is injected from boundaries, an active fluid is a dispersion of large numbers of self-propelled units, which convert the ambient/internal free energy and maintain non-equilibrium steady states at microscopic scales. Due to this distinct feature, active fluids exhibit fascinating and unusual behaviors unseen in conventional complex fluids. By using high-speed confocal microscopy, optical tweezer, rheological measurements and biochemical engineering, the speaker experimentally investigate the dynamics of active fluids. In particular, E. coli suspensions are used as model system and illustrate unique properties of active fluids, i.e., (i) abnormal rheology, (ii) non-equilibrium active pressure and (iii) emergence of collective swarming. This study illustrates the general organizing principles of active fluids that can be exploited for designing “smart” fluids with controllable fluid properties. The results also shed new light on fundamental transport processes in microbiological systems.


郭硕博士博士毕业于香港科技大学物理系,先后在香港科技大学物理系、巴黎高师物理系、巴黎欧莱雅创新研究中心开展博士后工作。目前是美国明尼苏达大学化工及材料系的博士后。他长期致力于软物质和生物力学方面的基础和应用研究。特别专注于设计并应用精密仪器到活性物质和微纳米气液界面的前沿研究中。尤其是细菌流体,细胞力学和气--固三相交界线问题,取得了一系列重要的研究成果。发表SCI 论文(一作),多发表在国际知名期刊,如Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.Phys. Rev. Lett.Journal of Fluid MechanicsJournal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical MaterialsPhys. Rev. E等。
