
Open faculty positions in school of Mechanical Engineering




The School of Mechanical Engineering at the SoutheastUniversity invites applications for faculty positions at the FULL PROFESSOR level with an expected start date of Sep 1, 2019. We will consider creative and energetic candidates who show extraordinary promise or accomplishment inresearch and teaching in any area of mechanical engineering. Preference will be given to candidates in the broadly defined fields of vibrations, heat transfer, fluids, robotics, control, AI, microfabrication,autos and industrial engineering. We also support to apply the national fellowship  as below:


National fellowship


1). Ph.D. or equivalent international degree

2). Three years or more research experience in the top Universities or research institutes of the world in mechanical engineering,electrical engineering and industrial engineering at the time of application.

3). Less than 40 years old at the time of application.


Salary and benefits:

For those who funded by Thousand Plan-Young Faculty project,will get a payment package as listed (currency unit under RMB):

1). 0.5 million (after tax) one-time cash stipend after signingin;

2). 3 million valued housing credit (for house purchasingonly) from the University and the government;

3). 1-3 million research funding from the government with no limits of research topics, and plus another 1:1 funding support from the university;

4). Jiangsu Province scholar funding of 0.5 million, 30% of which will be paid as extra personal stipend without tax;

5). A three-year-period annual salary of 0.5 million (the contract can be updated every year after based on a work-more-get-more way)

For those outstanding candidates who didn’t pass the national fellowship onsite interview but meet the major requirements of mechanical engineering, will be promised the same salary level and funding support as the national fellowship candidates.


Document requirements

1). Curriculum Vitae- recently updated

2). Statement of Research plans

3). Statement of Teaching

4). Cover letter


How to apply

Provide the required information and documentsto talent acquisition director ZHAO, Xiaodong at zhaoxd@seu.edu.cn