学术论坛报告:Prof. Deyu Li——Understanding Nanoscale Transport Phenomena for Engineering Applications


本期学术论坛由美国Vanderbilt University Deyu Li 教授主讲


题目: Understanding NanoscaleTransport Phenomena for Engineering Applications

报告人:Prof. Deyu Li

时间: 2018626日,下午2:30



Nanoscale energy, charge and mass transport playscritical roles in various phenomena in nature and has important engineeringimplications.  In this talk, I willdiscuss some new understandings we obtained in nanoscale transport and theirengineering applications.  For energytransport, I will present a few interesting observations on phonon transportthrough individual nanostructures and their contacts.  More specifically, I will show how kinkscould affect the thermal conductivity of boron carbide nanowires, whichprovides new insights into tuning thermal properties ofnanowires/nanomeshes.  I will alsointroduce the intriguing diameter dependence of contact thermal conductancebetween individual multi-walled carbon nanotubes, which comes from complexinterplay between phonons and boundaries. Moreover, I will show a distinct signature of electron and phononinteractions in the lattice thermal conductivity of NbSe3 nanowires,which addresses a long-standing, fundamental question of whether and howelectron-phonon interactions affect phonon transport.  In terms of charge and mass transport, I willpresent a new approach taking advantage of the superior electronic transportproperties of graphene to probe the electrical activities of individualdendritic spines and synapses of central nervous system neurons cultured inmicrofluidic platforms.




Dr. Deyu Li is currently a professor in theMechanical Engineering Department at Vanderbilt University.  He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degreesfrom the University of Science and Technology of China, Tsinghua University,and the University of California, Berkeley, respectively. Professor Li’sresearch interest includes nanoscale energy transport as well as microfluidicsand nanofluidics.  He has authored/co-authoredover 80 journal papers, which have been cited over 8700 times with an h-index of 36, according to GoogleScholar.  Dr. Li received an NSF careeraward in 2007, a Vanderbilt Chancellor’s Award for Research in 2013, and waselected an ASME fellow in 2017.

